List of Talks - LLU workshop 2021

Here is a list of the talks presented during the workshop sorted by the speaker’s name:

Max Aehle Quantification and Visualization of Uncertainties in CT Reconstruction
Frankis Almaguel Integrating Theranostics and Radiation Oncology
Reng Ashokan New Medical Devices: FDA Regulations and Best Practices – An Overview
Esther Bär Assessment of the impact of CT calibration procedures for proton therapy planning on paediatric treatments
Amit Bennan Joint optimization of photon-carbon ion combined treatments
Andrew Best Decreasing NTCP Through Proton Range Uncertainty Reduction
Eli Brottman A Comparison of String Averaging and Component Averaged Row Projection Algorithms Used in Image Reconstruction
George Coutrakon pCT image quality comparisons with CARP, DROP and TVS
George Dedes Update on fluence modulated proton CT
Ethan DeJongh ProtonVDA pCT Update: Algorithms and Images
Jorge (Naoki) Dominguez Kondo Plasmid DNA damage simulations in Geant4-DNA using radiation chemistry: Current status and future developments
Sam Flynn Application of CMOS Detectors to Microbeam Dosimetry
Ryan Fullarton A likelihood-based particle imaging filter using prior information
Tim Gehrke Achievable image quality of helium-beam radiography of high-WET objects with a system based on thin silicon pixel detectors
Chiara Gianoli Hybrid imaging framework for adaptive ion beam therapy
Magdalena Grochowska Simulating the Radiation Chemistry of FLASH Radiation using TOPAS-nBio: (1) Including Reactions of Biological Importance; (2) Combining Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Chemistry
Abdelkhalek Hammi Imaging–based cerebrovasculature and a patient-specific circulatory system to model radiation dose to peripheral blood
Howard Heaton Data-Driven Feasibility Algorithms
Matthieu Hentz Proton CT Reconstruction with Directional TV Using X-ray Priors
Jordan Houri pCT reconstruction based on scatter rejection
Stefanie Kaser The TIGRE toolbox and its application to ion imaging
Arthur Lalonde Anatomical and setup changes in head and neck intensity-modulated proton therapy: comparison between robust optimization and online adaptation
Natasha Le Gold Nanostars: (1) Synthesis, Functionalization, and Applications; (2) Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo Simulations
Russell Luke Feasibility models: from nanoscale photonic imaging to randomized Algorithms for machine learning
Keegan McNamara GPU accelerated Monte Carlo activation calculations for range verification
Walaa Moursi The Douglas-Rachford algorithm for solving possibly inconsistent optimization problems
Prasannakumar Palaniappan 2D-3D image registration framework of treatment planning X-ray CT based on proton radiographies
Scott Penfold Proton Therapy and Proton Imaging in Australia
Pierluigi Piersimoni Latest developments of the Bergen pCT project
Daniel Robertson Proton radiography with a monolithic plastic scintillator and digital camera
Antoni Rucinski FRED: A GPU Monte Carlo Platform for Clinical Use
Katrin Schnürle Small Animal CMOS Integration Mode Proton Imaging at different Treatment Facilities
Blake Schultze Practical Implementation of pCT Algorithms
Kamal Singhrao Implementation of high-quality motion- compensated SART (mcSART) CBCT imaging using the 5D motion model
Paulina Stasica Experimental validation of LET spectra in mixed radiation fields with the TimePix technology for advanced radiobiological modeling in proton therapy
Victor Tvrdy A Phenomenological Approach to Modeling Nanodosimetric Quantities
Felix Ulrich-Pur Development of an ion CT system based on 4D- tracking and time-of-flight based residual energy determination
Lennart Volz Investigating different energy detector designs for single-event helium ion imaging
Marie-Catherine Vozenin From irradiation at ultrahigh dose rate to FLASH Radiotherapy: Experimental, conceptual and clinical challenges
Niklas Wahl matRad: Introduction, Ongoing Developments and Related Pojects; Application of Superiorization to Treatment Planning
Carla Winterhalter Monte Carlo simulations for clinical and research applications in proton therapy at PSI
Henry Wolkowicz NP-Hard Problems, Doubly Nonnegative Relaxations, Facial Reduction, and Splitting Methods