Max Aehle |
Design of a Modular CT Reconstruction Framework |
Francisco Javier Aragón Artacho |
Split minimization problems arising in IMRT tackled with superiorization with restarts |
Andrew Best |
Progress In Quantifying NTCP Reduction By Reducing Proton Range Uncertainty |
Karol Brzezinski |
Detecting range shifts in proton beam therapy using the J-PET scanner |
João Canhoto |
Repair kinetics of DSB-foci induced by proton and helium ion microbeams of different energies |
Yair Censor |
Finding a Best Approximation Pair of Points for Two Polyhedra |
George Dedes |
Methods for improving the precision of ion beam radiation therapy of cancer |
Ethan DeJongh |
First Test of pCT in a Gantry System |
Kirk Duffin |
Correcting Detector Plane Misalignment with Projective Geometry |
Sam Flynn |
Monitoring pencil beam scanned proton radiotherapy using a large format CMOS detector |
Stefanie Götz |
Evaluation of the impact of a scanner prototype on pCT and HeCT image quality and dose efficiency with Monte Carlo simulation |
Abdelkhalek Hammi |
The Impact of Ultra-High-Dose Rate (FLASH) Radiation Dose to Circulating Lymphocytes |
Sam Ingram |
A model-based approach to quantifying miscounting of radiation-induced double-strand break immunofluorescent foci |
Houda Kacem |
Impact of temporal structure of electron and proton beams on G°(H2O2), G(H2O2), DNA damage, and Zebrafish embryos |
Stefanie Kaser |
Updates and future plans of ion imaging at MedAustron |
Irina Kempf |
Simulating and improving the compact ion-counting track structure detector |
Nils Krah |
Time-of-flight proton CT |
Natasha Le |
Gold Nanostars: Synthesis, Functionalization, & Application |
Monika Mietelska |
Nanodosimetry based radiobiological outcomes prediction |
Walaa Moursi |
How to project onto the intersection of a closed affine subspace and a hyperplane |
Sonwabile Ngczu |
An Investigation of Nanodosimetric Parameters Around a Proton Track |
Ha Nguyen |
Finite Element Analysis of Customized Alternating Electric Field (AEF) Transducers for Small Animal Applications |
Hanh Nguyen |
A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Particle Recognition in Mixed Radiation Field |
Cristina Oancea |
In-field and out-of-field microdosimetric characterization of proton beams using the Timepix3 detector |
Lawrence Orijuela |
Definition of the 3D Position and Motion Status of the Moving Heart based on 2D Projections |
Joseph Piet |
Using Chi Squared analysis for alignment of proton radiographs to planning CT |
Alexander Pryanichnikov |
Development of Imaging Beam for Protom Synchrotron and Correlated Noise Properties Study in Iterative pCT |
Ilaria Rinaldi |
Machine logfile-based patient QA via independent Monte Carlo fully replaces measurements in our proton therapy facility |
Cecile Ronckers |
Quantitative Modeling of Long-term Outcomes in Cancer Survivors treated with Radiation Therapy |
Stuart Rowland |
Motion Adapted Reconstruction |
Stephen Sampayan |
Linear induction accelerators as intense, high pulse rate, bremsstrahlung sources for FLASH-RT |
Blake Schultze |
A unified frame work for pCT image analysis |
Joao Seco |
An update on preclinical FLASH research |
Ákos Sudár |
Searching for New Proton CT Image Reconstruction Techniques |
Adrianna Tartas |
Investigation of DNA damage repair dynamics of NBS1 foci in U2OS cells exposed to mixed beams |
Oscar Ariel Marti Villarreal |
A novel approach for beam characterization and online monitoring in particle therapy |
Adam Zieser |
Reconstructed pCT Images Using Monte Carlo Simulations of a Scintillating Glass Detector |