All talks by name of presenter - LLU workshop 2022

Max Aehle Design of a Modular CT Reconstruction Framework
Francisco Javier Aragón Artacho Split minimization problems arising in IMRT tackled with superiorization with restarts
Andrew Best Progress In Quantifying NTCP Reduction By Reducing Proton Range Uncertainty
Karol Brzezinski Detecting range shifts in proton beam therapy using the J-PET scanner
João Canhoto Repair kinetics of DSB-foci induced by proton and helium ion microbeams of different energies
Yair Censor Finding a Best Approximation Pair of Points for Two Polyhedra
George Dedes Methods for improving the precision of ion beam radiation therapy of cancer
Ethan DeJongh First Test of pCT in a Gantry System
Kirk Duffin Correcting Detector Plane Misalignment with Projective Geometry
Sam Flynn Monitoring pencil beam scanned proton radiotherapy using a large format CMOS detector
Stefanie Götz Evaluation of the impact of a scanner prototype on pCT and HeCT image quality and dose efficiency with Monte Carlo simulation
Abdelkhalek Hammi The Impact of Ultra-High-Dose Rate (FLASH) Radiation Dose to Circulating Lymphocytes
Sam Ingram A model-based approach to quantifying miscounting of radiation-induced double-strand break immunofluorescent foci
Houda Kacem Impact of temporal structure of electron and proton beams on G°(H2O2), G(H2O2), DNA damage, and Zebrafish embryos
Stefanie Kaser Updates and future plans of ion imaging at MedAustron
Irina Kempf Simulating and improving the compact ion-counting track structure detector
Nils Krah Time-of-flight proton CT
Natasha Le Gold Nanostars: Synthesis, Functionalization, & Application
Monika Mietelska Nanodosimetry based radiobiological outcomes prediction
Walaa Moursi How to project onto the intersection of a closed affine subspace and a hyperplane
Sonwabile Ngczu An Investigation of Nanodosimetric Parameters Around a Proton Track
Ha Nguyen Finite Element Analysis of Customized Alternating Electric Field (AEF) Transducers for Small Animal Applications
Hanh Nguyen A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Particle Recognition in Mixed Radiation Field
Cristina Oancea In-field and out-of-field microdosimetric characterization of proton beams using the Timepix3 detector
Lawrence Orijuela Definition of the 3D Position and Motion Status of the Moving Heart based on 2D Projections
Joseph Piet Using Chi Squared analysis for alignment of proton radiographs to planning CT
Alexander Pryanichnikov Development of Imaging Beam for Protom Synchrotron and Correlated Noise Properties Study in Iterative pCT
Ilaria Rinaldi Machine logfile-based patient QA via independent Monte Carlo fully replaces measurements in our proton therapy facility
Cecile Ronckers Quantitative Modeling of Long-term Outcomes in Cancer Survivors treated with Radiation Therapy
Stuart Rowland Motion Adapted Reconstruction
Stephen Sampayan Linear induction accelerators as intense, high pulse rate, bremsstrahlung sources for FLASH-RT
Blake Schultze A unified frame work for pCT image analysis
Joao Seco An update on preclinical FLASH research
Ákos Sudár Searching for New Proton CT Image Reconstruction Techniques
Adrianna Tartas Investigation of DNA damage repair dynamics of NBS1 foci in U2OS cells exposed to mixed beams
Oscar Ariel Marti Villarreal A novel approach for beam characterization and online monitoring in particle therapy
Adam Zieser Reconstructed pCT Images Using Monte Carlo Simulations of a Scintillating Glass Detector